mardi 14 juillet 2009


11 Artistes . Fête. Été. Bodéga. Douceur...

Une exposition d'art contemporain réunissant 11 artistes dans une charmante maison de village.

Artistes exposés:

- Isabelle de Scitivaux

- Anne Guillaume

- Claude Viallat

- Pascal Bircher

- Lilian Euzéby

- Nicolas Pincemin

- Sophie Bouloux

- Bruce Paoli

- Yves Selrous Larrose

- Christian Limantour

- Neil Bicknell

Heure de début :
23 juillet 2009 à 19:30
Heure de fin :
20 août 2009 à 13:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
Place de la fontaine. Rue de l'Hôtel de ville
Ville :
Russan, France

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"Oeuvres réelles pour musée virtuel"

Kriki est un peintre qui, déjà, en 1993, crée l'événement vedette sur le stand de la galerie Guy Pieters lors de la FIAC (Grand Palais, Paris) avec des peintures procédant de la réalité virtuelle. Précurseur, en France, de cette technologie sophistiquée, Kriki nous invitait à une immersion totale dans son oeuvre. En effet, muni d'un casque à vision stéréoscopique et d'un joystick en main, l'amateur d'art se retrouvait ainsi acteur à l'intérieur de différents univers, conçus par Kriki, en images de synthèses.

C'est donc, tout naturellement, qu'est né le projet d'une rétrospective virtuelle des oeuvres de l'artiste sur le fameux site Second Life; à l'initiative de la société Inspiralis Visual Art. Ce projet s'inscrit dans une filiation légitime et artistique de l'ensemble du travail de Kriki sur plus de vingt ans.

Second Life est un métavers ou univers virtuel en 3D. Ce programme informatique permet à ses utilisateurs (avatars) d'incarner des personnages virtuels dans un monde créé par les résidents eux-mêmes. Ce n'est pas un jeu vidéo, il n'y a aucun but précis comme les quêtes ou les missions. Chacun est libre de ses propes objectifs. Il s'agit donc d'un monde "à part".
Le logiciel et l'accès à l'univers sont gratuits.

Ce sont près d'une soixantaine de peintures et sculptures de l'artiste, qui ont été
scannées et digitalisées en 3D, pour ensuite être intégrées dans un musée virtuel aux formes du Fuzz; conçu et construit spécialement pour Kriki. A noter que le Fuzz est la figure emblématique du travail de l'artiste. La signalitique muséale vous donne accès, lors de votre visite, à divers informations sur les oeuvres exposées.

Cette Fondation Kriki se trouve dans un parc, sur une île, où des sculptures monumentales représentant les personnages robotiques accompagnant l'artiste dès ses débuts, vous accueilleront.
Alors à tout de suite...

Comment visiter la rétrospective?
Le logiciel et l'accès à l'univers sont gratuits.

Heure de début :
14 juillet 2009 à 23:00
Heure de fin :
15 septembre 2009 à 02:00
Lieu :

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ART OPENING: Affectation // Fur Persons and Structural Parodies in Clay

Big Garden City // From Local Colours
Opening Night:
Friday July 17 from 7pm - 9pm -
Everyone welcome artists in attendance, light refreshments served

Show runs from July 18 - August 29, 2009

AFFECTATION - staged photography Susan Bozic (Vancouver BC)
Susan Bozic is a visual artist who lives and works in Vancouver. She received her BFA, with distinction from Concordia University in Montreal, majoring in photography and minoring in cinema. Her work has been exhibited in Canada and in the US in non-profit and commercial galleries. Working primarily in black and white, her subjects have included the male body, nature and taxidermy animals. She is interested in producing work that quesions viewers perceptions by creating articial constructs within familiar settings. The cycles of life, death and rebirth are also prevalent themes in her images. She is a recipient of both Canada Council for the Arts and BC Arts Council grants.

FUR PERSONS & STRUCTURAL PARODIES IN CLAY - Paintings of dogs by Jessica Titley (Courtenay BC) and ceramics by Martha and Gordon James (Quadra Island BC)
Jessica Titley obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at the University of Lethbridge under the guidance of international artists Janet Cardiff and Susan Schuppli in 1999. Now living in Courtenay, she has picked up the brushes again, and as a pianist, ceramicist, conceptual, and new media artist, she pushes pigments hoping to have found her new home. Her vivid & colourful portraits of dogs are striking, contemporary & interesting.

Martha James (Quadra Island) received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Calgary in 1976. After moving to Quadra Island with her husband, Gordon James, they established James Pottery. The studio and gallery allow her to work and display the functional and sculptural ceramics, drawings and photographs that she creates. She has also exhibited her work nationally and internationally. Martha creates whimsical vessels.

Gordon James (Quadra Island) started playing with clay and melting bottles during his early teens in his mom’s “ceramics” studio in our Calgary basement. He later studied at the Alberta College of Art, where he became interested in painting and printmaking as well as pottery. After he and his wife graduated in 1976, they moved to Quadra Island and set up the first studio. Gordon's work are playful structures based on the human body.

BIG GARDEN CITY - Installation by Shawn Shepherd (Victoria BC)
Shawn Shepherd was born in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Photography, skateboarding and fresh air propelled Shawn to move to Victoria, BC in 1990. He is primarily self-taught with an informal education sourced from local artists, books and travels to art museums in France, Italy, Mexico, USA and Canada. Shawn is a multimedia artist whose work investigates aspects of popular culture such as human identity and information trends. Shawn currently works and resides in Victoria.

FROM LOCAL COLOURS - Exhibiting the work of 20 Comox Valley artists which has been created during the CVC Arts Council event "Local Colours", usually taking place every year in July - this year it opens on the same day as the Local Colours Festival! The artists are:
Diane Knight, Peter Jackson, Randy Frank, Channing Holland, Kevin Lewis, Grace Wolff, Bill Kerr, Brian Buckrell, Margaret Burns, Teresa Knight, Leonard Barrett, Jenna Carter, Teresa L'Hirondelle, Tracy Kobus, Benjamin Dunstan, Arlene McLeod, Sofie Skapsi, Jennifer Pickford, Dystopia Comics, & Sarah Kerr. A variety of media will be shown.

Heure de début :
17 juillet 2009 à 19:00
Heure de fin :
28 août 2009 à 17:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
580 Duncan Avenue
Ville :
Courtenay, BC

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Erotica Beastia- A Show by Sam Branton
Private View

Film noir classics have been invaded by mutants, monsters and freaks at the Sesame Gallery’s forthcoming show “Erotica Beastia”. This is the bizarre world of Sam Branton, where gritty film meets surreal hallucination and a touch of sci-fi imagination – Bladerunner on acid, with a dash of Loony Toons.

In the shadows of moonlit streets, the corners of seedy offices and the darkest nights of cinema’s imagination - what lurks beneath the gritty surface of film noir?

In his first solo exhibition, Erotica Beastia, Sam Branton treats these places as doorways into the erotic underbelly of films and visual stories. Taking noir classics such as Kiss Me Deadly, The Third Man, and Key Largo as the starting points for his drawings, he introduces a cast of pornographic cartoon-like characters that mix with and infect the films’ original inhabitants. Set out as a visual storyboard, the films begin to take place in an alien world of humans and hybrids where the characters seem oblivious to their descent into mutation and madness.

Cops become corrupted not just morally but physically, their faces transformed by elephantine phallic distortions to make them look like sex toys in suits. Weird, wonderful, often gentle creatures hide in the shadows and, once found, are interviewed, bullied, inspected and dissected by the mob. By combining the psychological grit of film noir with the strange innocence of playthings, the drawings create an unusual sense of disorientation and disquiet, the toys’ simplicity enhancing a sense of animal sexuality bubbling under in these corrupted, perverted characters. In the process, the storyboard becomes like a maze into which the viewer has stumbled and now, in too deep, can see no way out of, and even less to hold on to or call “familiar”.

Much like any bacchanalia, it has moments both light and dark. The innocence of the playthings creates touching scenes, such as the umbilical bond of the mutants in suits of “What else have you got left”. Others are humorous in their absurdity, like the deflated aggression of two gangsters that can hardly hold their forms in “Boys, forget the whale”. But throughout, the drawings are shot through with a sexuality that sways from playful perversion to raw carnal desire, captured poignantly in the genital aberrations and insectine faces of the swarm of men in “A hundred nuts and one squirrel”.

Erotica Beastia opens with a forties murder mystery cocktail party on Thursday 16 July, amidst a crime-scene installation in the gallery. The show runs until 8 August.

Date :
16 juillet 2009
Heure :
18:00 - 20:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
354 Upper Street, Islington
Ville :
London, United Kingdom

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Jason Thielke, "New Works"
July 17th - August 15th, 2009
Opening Reception on Friday, July 17th from 7 - 10 PM.

- David B. Smith Gallery Inaugurates New LoDo Exhibition Space -

David B. Smith Gallery is pleased to announce that it will be moving to a new location in LoDo, Denver’s Lower Downtown Historic District. The new exhibition space, located at 1543 A Wazee Street, will carry on the gallery’s commitment to sustainability by utilizing wind energy to offset 100% of conventional electricity consumption. The LoDo location will open its doors with the opening of Jason Thielke’s solo exhibition, New Works, beginning July 17 through August 15, 2009. Thielke’s work focuses on urban landscapes and their inhabitants, utilizing architectural techniques to create figurative interpretations of the human form. A reception for the artist will be held on Friday, July 17th, 2009 from 7 PM to 10 PM.

Jason Thielke’s work demonstrates aesthetic elements that encompass both contemporary and traditional techniques much like modern architecture. This style emerges in deeply personal, figurative works, which comfortably contrast hard lines with soft features and mixed emotions. In the past, the artist’s process of drawing, composing, and transferring images has mirrored the planning, deconstruction and reconstruction phases of urban gentrification. This new body of work utilizes that same process to negotiate the complexity of human nature.

The work in this exhibition speaks to Thielke’s fascination with behavioral juxtaposition within the individual. The conflict between one’s ability to implement self-control and compulsion to manipulate and constantly self-gratify emerges as a reoccurring theme. Jason Thielke’s drawings illustrate this struggle with mathematical precision. Constellations of the human experience, the artist utilizes simple, structural forms to portray stark contrasts within the spirit of his subjects - swirls representing natural beauty and positive energy; straight lines referencing intentional thought and manipulation used to influence others. These figures depict the idiosyncrasies of human perception, examining the dynamics of body language, eye contact and spiritual interaction.

Jason Thielke earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Northern Illinois University School of Art. His work has been featured galleries and art fairs throughout world, with recent solo exhibitions in Denver, Portland and Seattle.

Heure de début :
17 juillet 2009 à 19:00
Heure de fin :
15 août 2009 à 18:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
1543 A Wazee Street
Ville :
Denver, CO

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