vendredi 27 février 2009


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness features the extraordinary holdings of American art at the Yale University Art Gallery. With more than 275 objects, the exhibition spans the period from the first European settlements to explorations of the West and culminates in the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893.

It features works by Paul Revere, Thomas Eakins and Winslow Homer, covering paintings, prints, photographs and decorative arts. At the center of the exhibition is a group of early American portraits and history paintings by John Trumbull, including The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

Saturday—Sunday, February 28–March 1
Family Day: Playful Pursuits
Saturday, February 28
10 am–3 pm
Drop in for family fun that focuses on all things American, including tall tales, dress up, bingo, scrapbooks, live music by local kids and more.

Saturday–Sunday, February 28–March 1
Saturday–Monday, May 23–25
In honor of their service, military personnel are invited to see Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for free on the first and last weekends of this special exhibition! Please show your military ID to obtain tickets for you and a guest. Bring your family—children 12 and under are always free.

Heure de début :
samedi 28 février 2009 à 10:00
Heure de fin :
dimanche 1 mars 2009 à 17:00
Lieu :
Seattle Art Museum
Adresse :
1300 First Avenue
Ville :
Seattle, WA
Téléphone :

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Do you want to become a robot for one day?
YOU CAN! On 6th MARCH FROM 2-7 pm via

PUBLIC AVATAR - An extraordinary new art project by media artist Martin Bricelj will bring to the streets of Slovenian city Novo Mesto a real avatar!
From 2 till 7 pm you will be able to control Public Avatar- a human agent in real space
via the project's web page
You will be able to move Public Avatar, talk to him, visit your friends, test the local food,
visit parties, movies, bars, meet the locals and much more! Discover Slovenia!

Join thousands of users across the globe!
Make sure the game will be interesting and join in!
On 6th March, travel to Novo Mesto virtually!

Date :
vendredi 6 mars 2009
Heure :
14:00 - 19:00
Lieu :
Ville :
Novo Mesto, Slovenia
Téléphone :
Adresse électronique :

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The first festival dedicated to international contemporary art and its protagonists. Let's discover the art of the future together.

Contemporary art needs cheerfulness and reflection.

The festival, and everything festive that it involves, aims to be a place where people can regain their train of thought without interruptions, where they can reflect and understand contemporary art, and then go and see the works of art with awareness. Today it is necessary to think about art in order to see it better.

The works of art are thoughts. They are visualised thoughts. As such, thoughts are always critical. We cannot think of contemporary art merely in terms of glamour and business. Not that I have anything against these elements, but we should not give up the theoretical foundations.

When faced with a paralysed macro system, which does not work, a polycentric structure emerges, not from satellites, but from centres of expertise that contemporary art has relied on for quality proposals: Faenza is one of these.

Angela Vettese

Relationships with works of art are becoming increasingly quick and superficial, like a type of induced artistic bulimia. There is hardly time to look at a work of art before another one comes along demanding our attention [...] This is the purpose of the festival of Faenza. For once, there will be time to meet and talk, without any pressure, in a small, splendid and welcoming urban centre, in the middle of a sunny region which is full of natural and artistic beauty, where the food and drink are fantastic.

Of course the works of art will be missing, but that could be a stimulus rather than a limitation. Then later we can go back and look at the works of art with more attention and curiosity.

The formula of the festival is an exception to the rule. There is no particular theory to illustrate or confirm. The festival is open to many different points of view, in order to account for all the diversity and the geographical, cultural and disciplinary wealth of art today.

Pier Luigi Sacco

The festival in Faenza has to be understood as a discursive platform, as it has been structured to amplify and broadcast a large sampling of the current discourses around contemporary art and its institutions, both in Italy and abroad. As such, it should truly complement the event-based nature of a manifestation such as the Venice Biennial with much needed reflection and analysis. Besides aspiring to become a meeting place for artists, students, curators and critics -not to the exclusion of dealers and collectors-, the potential that the festival in Faenza may ultimately have is that of becoming an occasion for the audience of contemporary art in Italy to represent itself, meaning to become present to the larger context of cultural production in the country. In a context that is mostly oriented towards the conservation and study of its part, this constitutes both a crucial challenge and a fundamental task.

Carlos Basualdo


[this show online will offer a wonderful observing session showing planet Saturn. While mainly in Italian, we will provide some English "spots", so foreign people are welcome!

Date is 11 Mar 2009, at 09:30PM , UT+1]

Insuperabile nell'eleganza dei suoi anelli, Saturno costituisce senza dubbio uno dei massimi motivi di richiamo all'osservazione del cielo. Quest'anno si verifica l'apparente scomparsa di quell'aureola, complici i giochi prospettici del piano dell'orbita terrestre.

Un'escursione intorno a questo gigante del Sistema Solare, in diretta grazie al Virtual Telescope e al commento dall'astrofisico Gianluca Masi.

Un vero e proprio evento cosmico imperdibile.

Le osservazioni in real-time verranno compiute in diretta mediante il Virtual Telescope, la cui strumentazione planetaria verrà chiamata a dare il meglio.

L'evento si svolge nell'ambito del progetto Coelum Stream, una collaborazione tra Coelum Astronomia ( ed il Virtual Telescope (

Per partecipare sarà sufficiente accedere, alla data e all'ora indicate, al sito

** La partecipazione è gratuita **


[cette exposition en ligne offrira une merveilleuse session d'observation montrant la planète Saturne. Bien que principalement en italien, nous offrons un peu l'anglais «spots», pour les étrangers qui sont les bienvenus!

Date: 11 mars 2009 à 09:30 PM, UT 1]

Avec ses anneaux d'une élégance inégalée, Saturne est sans doute l'une des raisons pour nous amener à observer le ciel. C'est l'apparente disparition de son auréole, jeux de perspective plane du globe terrestre.

Une excursion autour de ce géant du système solaire, en direct par l'intermédiaire du télescope virtuel et le commentairede l'astrophysicien Gianluca Masi.

Un véritable événement cosmique à ne pas manquer.

Les observations en temps réel seront réalisées en direct par l'intermédiaire du télescope virtuel, qui dévoilera l'instrumentation planétaire à son meilleur.

L'événement est organisé sous l'Stream Coelum projet, une collaboration entre Coelum Astronomie et le Télescope Virtuel.

Pour participer il vous suffit de connecter la date et l'heure donnée, sur le site.

** La participation est gratuite **

Date :
mercredi 11 mars 2009
Heure :
21:30 - 23:30
Lieu :
Téléphone :
Adresse électronique :

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La théorie des cordes, vous connaissez ? Mathématique quantique et musique, recherche du noyau de sens, de la formule qui expliquerait les fondements de la création..Abstrait me direz vous ! Hé bien voici une vision d'artiste qui je l'espère pourra vous conquérir...

Heure de début :
jeudi 5 mars 2009 à 19:00
Heure de fin :
vendredi 6 mars 2009 à 00:00
Lieu :
La Boite Noire art gallery Biarritz
Adresse :
25 allée du Moura 64200
Ville :
Biarritz, France
Téléphone :
Adresse électronique :

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