mercredi 17 juin 2009


EspressivaMente è volta a sensibilizzare il grande pubblico all’arte mostrandone i suoi svariati aspetti e le sue diverse applicazioni, un arte che può essere ora didattica, ora ludica, ora terapeutica. Un momento d’incontro di giovani indirizzati verso la socializzazione, allo scambio di idee e culture, all’unione del vecchio con il nuovo proiettato nel futuro, instaurando un confronto tra critici e professionisti dei settori di letteratura, teatro, musica, cinema, circo e le nuove leve dell’arte.
La manifestazione si articolata in tre giorni, nei quali prenderanno vita spettacoli delle più diverse discipline:

• Letteratura
Poesia, prosa, narrativa, critica e compilativa
• Musica
Classica, Blues, Jazz, Pop, rock, melodica, Etnica, reggae, hip hop e generi sperimentali proposti dagli artisti…
• Danza
Classica, jazz, funky, contemporanea…
• Teatro
Rappresentazioni di opere complete o frammenti o monologhi di qualsiasi genere e con qualsiasi adattamento…
• Arte di Strada
Giocolieri, Mimi, Fachiri, Equilibristi, Clown, Comici e Barzellettieri…
• Arte Figurata
Ritrattisti, paesaggisti, madonnari, fotografia, street art, scultori, fotografi, body Art…
• Cinema
Video Art, documentari, videoclip, film

Expressément destinée à sensibiliser le grand public à l'art montrant ses divers aspects et ses diverses applications, un art qui peut être l'enseignement, maintenant ludique, thérapeutique maintenant. Un moment de rencontre des jeunes à la rubrique socialisation, d'échange d'idées et de cultures, l'union de l'ancien et du nouveau projeté dans l'avenir en établissant une comparaison entre les critiques et les professionnels dans les domaines de la littérature, le théâtre, la musique, du cinéma, du cirque et de la nouvelle génération de l'art.

Bénéficiant d'accueillir Claudio Cinelli, l'inventeur de la technique de la marionnette la plus aiguë; David Larible doux clown qui enchante les cinq continents; Yves Lebreton, une importante pièce de théâtre de 900; Leo Bassi, le impertinente plus geeks et acteur de l'Europe; Alessandro Gigli,
contastorie navigatissimo et surréaliste.

L'événement se divise en trois jours, où la vie va prendre plus de spectacles de différentes disciplines:

• Littérature
Poésie, prose, la fiction, des critiques et complété
• Musique
Classique, Blues, Jazz, Pop, rock, mélodique, ethnique, reggae, hip hop et expérimentale genres proposés par les artistes ...
• Danse
Classique, jazz, funky, contemporaine ...
• Théâtre
Performances de l'ensemble des œuvres ou fragments de monologues ou de toute sorte et de toute adaptation ...
• Art de la route
Jongleurs, Mimi, fakir, équilibrée, Clown, Comédie et Barzellettieri ...
• art
Portrait peintres, paysagistes, madonnari, photographie, art de rue, des sculpteurs, des photographes, body art ...
• Cinéma
L'art vidéo, documentaires, vidéos musicales, film

Heure de début :
31 juillet 2009 à 18:00
Heure de fin :
2 août 2009 à 03:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
Mondo Jalari
Ville :

Courriel :

Invitation Facebook


The Brooklyn Art Collective and REPUBLIC are pleased to present the second installment of The Body Politic, a group exhibition, curated by BKAC co-directors Tyler Wriston and Ian McGillivray, along with independent curator, Christine Spangler.

The Body Politic will re-open at Jungle on June 17, 2009 and will feature musical performances by:
Deaf Judges, Pegasuses-XL, and Scorpio Rising

$10 at the door from 8pm until midnight.

In a contemporary climate of conceptualism, art making can often appear wrought with intellectual, philosophical or technological demands. The Body Politic presents a tangible and universal anchor through which artists are able to examine their own consciousness and culture: the human body. The phrase "body politic" has historically served as an analogy in which the human body is used to represent a larger political, philosophical or social whole. In this group exhibition, artists survey the anatomy, physicality, biology, and substance of the human body; its functions and failings, its fervor and vivacity, in order to further extrapolate this idea.

Participating artists include Michael Alan, Matt Brennan, Kate Burnet & Dan Woerner, Bill Durgin, Jason Ferguson, Lisa Kellner, Ryan Ketchum, Ian McGillivray, Jennifer Mills, Leemour Pelli, Matthew Purdy, Diana Schmertz, Mireille Vautier, and Bohyun Yoon.

Jungle is located at 286 Meserole Street, Brookyln, NY 11206 L Train to Montrose Ave. Look for the Green door.

Heure de début :
17 juin 2009 à 20:00
Heure de fin :
18 juin 2009 à 00:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
286 Meserole Street (L train to Montrose)
Ville :
Brooklyn, NY

Téléphone :
Courriel :

Invitation Facebook


Please join us for the opening reception of our new exhibition.

Guest Curator: Donald Brackett

Installations, projections and performance work by a Toronto-based artist who grew up in the former Yugoslavia, exploring the traumas of displacement and war: Vessna Perunovich

Associated with the city-wide festival of sound-based art, SoundBytes.

Date :
26 juin 2009
Heure :
20:00 - 22:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
5865 Gorsebrook Avenue
Ville :
Halifax, NS

Téléphone :
Courriel :

Invitation Facebook

JASON LANG VIDEO - Filmed at the Spectrum in Montreal by Global TV


InterART City is a festival of alternative art that aims to create a network of creative people.

INTEr ArT City is a project based on the idea of European cities cultural exchange, in order to promote culture as the foundation of successful co-existence and communication. The goal of the project is the exchange of information and experience, development and improvement of cultural models and strategies in the 21st century, i.e. linking and networking cities in different countries towards identifying similarities and accepting diversities. The prerequisites for bringing together people, rebuilding mutual trust and maintaining cultural diversity in all parts of Europe, is creating cultural relations as well as a free exchange of ideas and information between artists of different cities, art event patrons, arts and cultural institutions.
INTEr ArT City gathers a large number of artists of various profiles, as well as a substantial number of art space and centres all over Europe, with a tendency for natural growth and development, mostly due to great interest from the public.

INTEr ArT City team produces a DVD about every happening that goes with the name of this project. Every participating artist or art place becomes a citizen of INTEr ArT City and receives email address and web space, which is official web service of this project.

INTEr ArT City also works on promotion of new art spaces, funding new art festivals and meeting points, development and employment of art techniques in healing people and society, and other humanitarian and cultural activities.

INTEr ArT City is not an organisation, not a a society, not a company. It is open project for all people of good will and open mind, who are ready to promote humanitarian and peaceful ideas and spirit of benevolence.

Heure de début :
6 novembre 2009 à 12:00
Heure de fin :
16 novembre 2009 à 23:00
Lieu :
station de métro anneessens
Ville :
Brussels, Belgium
Téléphone :
Courriel :

Invitation Facebook


The Ceramic events - edition I

Rencontres, débats, découvertes, détente, voilà en quoi consiste ce rendez vous de la céramique à Forest. La placette accueille dix artistes céramistes sélectionnés pour vous présenter le meilleur de la céramique contemporaine.

Une ambiance conviviale ou céramistes professionnels se donnent rendez vous pour vous présenter leur travail, leur démarche artistique, leurs œuvres.

Ici se côtoient collectionneurs d’art en quête de l’œuvre rêvée, amateurs et passionnés désireux d’acquérir une œuvre unique et originale, simple passant voulant flâner dans une ambiance chaleureuse.

Il y a bien entendu le petit coin sympa, ou on peut se désaltérer d’un jus bio et déguster des spécialités artisanales. Mais dépêchez vous, cette rencontre est éphémère et ne durera que le temps d’un weekend, en espérant qu’elle vous plaise et que l’on puisse vous donner rendez vous l’année prochaine pour d’autres rencontres.

Heure de début :
27 juin 2009 à 11:00
Heure de fin :
28 juin 2009 à 11:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
rue de l'eau,
Téléphone :
Courriel :

Invitation Facebook


Lucien Durey, Jenipher Hur, Gavin Lynch, Heidi Meixner, Asami Tsukada

The Tropics to the Herbarium
June 20 - July 18th, 2009
Reception: Friday, June 19th 7pm

The Tropics To The Herbarium is an exhibition of works by recent graduates from Emily Carr University and Simon Fraser University. This being the artist’s first opportunity to make work post graduation, the pieces in the show are reflective of the changing conditions under which each artist produces work. As such the exhibition is the liminal first step between work made as a student and work produced as a professional. The transition between works made for the ECUAD and SFU graduation exhibitions and the Helen Pitt offsite grad show serves to document the evolution of each artist’s practice.

The Tropics To The Herbarium is a continuation of The Helen Pitt commitment to provide exhibition space for emerging artists and an annual off-site grad show.

Curated by Robin Selk and Joshua Bartholomew.

Date :
19 juin 2009
Heure :
19:00 - 22:00
Lieu :
Helen Pitt
Artist Run Centre Established 1975
Tuesday to Saturday 12 to 5pm
Wednesday 1 to 7pm
Free admission Everyone welcome

102-148 Alexander Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V6A 1B5 Canada
(604) 681-6740




Réalisation d’une performance accompagnée d’une exposition des livres de l’artiste, d’une projection de vidéos et de l’accrochage d’une photographie.

L’artiste autrichien Kurt Ryslavy vit et travaille à Bruxelles depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’année. Son travail artistique, multiple et complexe dans les formes de son expression comme dans son propos, a consisté, ainsi que l’affirme l’artiste lui-même, à s’y tailler une « existence bien bourgeoise » et à y développer une série d’expériences centrées sur la perception sociale de l’artiste dit indépendant. Devenu vendeur de vin autrichien pour subvenir à ses besoins, Ryslavy a intégré subtilement sa pratique commerciale à sa démarche artistique, se positionnant délibérément à l’interface de ses doubles identités, tant professionnelles que géographiques, d’artiste autrichien basé en Belgique et de vendeur de vin artiste. Divers éléments de ce camouflage identitaire innervent son œuvre plastique récente, comme lorsqu’il intègre des listes ou des factures à ses travaux, qu’il donne une forme picturale à tel ou tel document officiel ou encore qu’il réalise, en compagnie de comédiens, des performances simulant l’apparat d’une dégustation professionnelle de vin. Jouant toujours avec les dispositifs scéniques, Kurt Ryslavy aborde sans complexe et avec humour toutes les dimensions d’une exposition et de la performance : les œuvres, le contexte, le public, les acteurs, l’artiste, l’institution, la galerie et la vente sont à la fois le sujet et l’objet de son intervention.

Le samedi 27 juin, en fin de journée, Kurt Ryslavy réalisera donc à Mariemont une performance mêlant à la fois action professionnelle et pratique artistique au sein d’une création originale incluant, au-delà du public lui-même, divers participants destinés à susciter une atmosphère tout à fait particulière. Par ailleurs, dans le hall du Musée de Mariemont où se déroulera la performance, se tiendra également une exposition des livres d’artistes créés par Kurt Ryslavy. Ces publications reflètent bien évidemment les jeux identitaires définissant la posture très personnelle adoptée par l’artiste. L’un de ces livres, intitulé « True Marchand du Vin / The London-Galleries Therapy » et publié conjointement à une exposition présentée à Bruxelles en 2005 en un espace « alternatif » (Bureau du Port), est à ce sujet très emblématique. Ambigu, indéfinissable, hors norme, ce livre de format carré contenant textes et photos et pourvu d’une couverture orange transparente, est présenté dans un étui de qualité lui conférant une dimension d’objet précieux. A la fois catalogue de vins et livre d’exégèse, il comporte un grand nombre de photographies de l’artiste dont certaines introduisent dans un univers étrange et ironique parfois proche du néo-dadaïsme. En même temps que les livres, seront également présentés à Mariemont des vidéos de diverses performances réalisées part Kurt Ryslavy ainsi qu’un portrait photographique de l’artiste, plus grand que « necessaire ».

Commissaires : Saskia Gevaert, Pierre-Jean Foulon

Renseignements :
L’Art Même (Bruxelles, 2e Trimestre 2009) : Interview par Pierre-Yves Desaive p. 46/47 (commandez un exemplaire « L’Art Même » gratuit chez
PARTICULES N° 25 (Paris, Juin/ Juillet 2009) : Texte par Eleonore Saintagnan (commandez un exemplaire « PARTICULES N° 25 » gratuit chez CONTACT@EDITIONS-PARTICULES.FR)
Musée Royal de Mariemont :

Date :
27 juin 2009
Heure :
16:00 - 19:00
Lieu :
Adresse :
Ville :
Morlanwelz, Belgium

Téléphone :
Courriel :

Invitation Facebook


*Damned Ink Studios
Featuring the fine art of Danny Roberts.
Located upstairs in the Arts Factory.
107 E. Charleston
Studio # 255
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Thursday Night Preview, July 2nd, from 6-10 PM
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
Gallery Hours: 1:00 - 6:00 pm . Friday and Saturday
By appointment: 702-480-9090
For information contact:
Leigh McCormick-Roberts
Danny Roberts

*peaceNart Studio
Featuring the fine art of Alexander Huerta
107 E. Charleston, Studio #220
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Located upstairs @ the Arts Factory
Thursday Night Preview, July 2nd, from 6-10 PM
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
Gallery Hours: Monday to Saturday, 12 - 5 PM

*Niki Sands Fine Art
Located in peaceNart, upstairs at The Arts Factory
Thursday Night Preview, July 2nd, from 6-10 PM
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
107 E. Charleston
Studio #115
Las Vegas, NV 89104

* Joseph Watson announces "First Friday Unveiling".
"The unveiling of "People in the Park""Art Preview
~Watch famed artist Joseph Watson unveil his latest painting titled "People in the Park". For those of you who witnessed the casting call event a couple of months ago, make sure to witness this special event. The painting will get unveiled at 8:00pm sharp in the Joseph Watson Gallery. Also, check out th new artist who joined the gallery. His name is Mark Jenkens. He is an awesome painter with a nice collection of his current paintings.
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
Host: Joseph & Tamara Watson
Located in The Arts Factory
107 E. Charleston
Studio #115
Las Vegas, NV 89104
For an appointment or more info: 858-733-2135
Joseph Watson Collection
Facebook Invitation

*Blue Sky Yoga Studio
First Friday
6pm till 10pm.
1215 Las Vegas Blvd
At the Arts Factory on East Charleston and Main St.

*Cricket Studio and Face Up Gallery
"eVertigo" acrylic on canvas and prints, by Dar Freeland.
Visit the Gallery during the week
T-F 12pm to 4pm
Weekends by appointment
Thursday Night Preview, July 2nd, from 6-10 PM
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
Upstairs in the Arts Factory
107 East Charleston Blvd.
Studio #203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104

*Cricket Studio and 8M Gallery
View newest works by Brian Swanson, mixed media on panels depicting primitive style bold paintings of animals both fictional and existing.
Thursday Night Preview, July 2nd, from 6-10 PM
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
8M Gallery at The Arts Factory
107 East Charleston Blvd. Studio 205
Las Vegas, NV

*Trifecta Gallery
This Thursday Trifecta opens with new paintings by the "BISCUIT STREET PREACHER", 7 large paintings and a sculpture. Its story time all the time with paintings by the 'Biscuit'.
Trifecta Gallery (in the Arts Factory)
Exhibit runs through June 26th.
An Installation
Exhibits opens July 2nd. 2009
This trio of artists (a.k.a. David Ryan, Sean Slattery and James Hough) who make up Ripper Jordan each have successful careers independently- They are close friends who get together weekly to let off a little steam, share a few beers and make each other laugh- to put it mildly. As a result of these weekly meetings - we bring you the product of their catharsism. One day we plan to videotape one of these 'sessions' and present it to you. For now, you will just have to take our word for it that these three fellas are out of control hilarious.
107 E. Charleston Blvd. #160
Las Vegas, NV
Facebook Profile
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
Trifecta Gallery, in the Arts Factory
107 E Charleston Suite 160
Las Vegas, NV

*Main Gallery
Relocating to a new space
Contemporary exhibition space featuring international emerging and mid-career artists in a variety of media.
Thursday Night Preview, July 2nd, from 6-10 PM
Open every First Friday, 6-10PM
Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Friday Noon to 5pm or by appointment.
1009 So. Main Street
Las Vegas, NV
For more information contact Andreana Donahue at:

*Gainsburg Studio
First Friday, July 3rd,
Featuring nationally recognized stone sculptor, Sharon Gainsburg and the works of other award-winning artists of all media, including the artwork of Lincoln Maynard & Leslie Rowland.
~First Friday 6-10pm.
Stone Carving class held on Saturdays. Call the studio for more information.
Gallery hours:
By Appointment.
1039 South Main Street, Ste. 130
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Across from S2 & the Arts Factory

*Biggs Studio
Presents Art of KD Matheson
Exhibit runs through
Tuesday, June 30th.
1115 S. Casino Center #1
(just south of Charleston)

*The Fallout Gallery
(in the Commerce Street Studios)
"The Exciting Sounds of Al Martino", a Photo Exhibit by Jesse Nabers
P Moss and Dirk Vermin Celebrate Double Down Saloon
Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 8:00pm
First Friday, July 3, 2009 at 6:00pm
For event info & to RSVP:
Invitation Facebook
~The Fallout Gallery, a contemporary art gallery located in the Las Vegas Arts District area. The Fallout Gallery presents exhibitions of art representing local and national artists working in a variety of contemporary media.
Gallery hours: Every First Friday 6-9PM
Wednesday-Saturday, Noon - 4:00 p.m., and by appointment.
1551 S. Commerce St
Las Vegas, NV 89102

*Henri & Odette
This Friday, June 19, 2009, Henri & Odette, and Michael Todoran bring you the third installment of LVSK8 III. We are thrilled to house tons of local artists for this special show! Special thank you to our sponsors Tatlantis Obscura, SK8ology, and Last Chance Tattoo.A collaborative show of Vegas artists creating unique art on skateboards.
Featured artist include Teresa Williams, Mark T. Zillman & a variety of other artists.
One Night Only
Friday June 19th
7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
For more information or to RSVP: Invitation Facebook
~A Metropolitan Place for Art, Style, Design and Life.
Open each First Friday, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Summer Hours will be 12pm-6. We look forward to a summer full of great weekly events, evening sewing and knitting events, dinners, and fun things that go far into the evening when the sun goes down.
~Leave your calendar open for some of our upcoming shows. We look forward to seeing your during our gallery hours or at one of our cooler evening events.
124 South Sixth Street 130
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Facebook Profile
For more information contact Jennifer Harrington:

*Brett Wesley Gallery
"PopStart - Jeff Schaller Solo Exhibition"
One Night Only, Thursday, June 4th.
Join us from 6:00 - 9 p.m. for wine and hors d’oeuvres in the luxurious Newport Lofts, penthouse suite 2109, located at200 Hoover Avenue, Las Vegas 89101. Valet parking is provided. Please R.S.V.P. Victoria Hart at 702_433.4433 or
Newport Lofts, Penthouse Suite 2109
200 Hoover Avenue
Las Vegas, 89101
~To see more details and RSVP, follow the link: Invitation Facebook
~You can reach Victoria Hart during the week for a private showing by Appointment Only.
For more information contact
Victoria Hart, Director

*Neon Venus Art Theater
Yadira Lopez unpacks works of art on August 1st
First Friday at Neon Venus Art Theater
May's First Friday looks to be a blast. The weather should be perfect. So there's not excuse not to check out Neon Venus. Neon Venus combines art, writing and music in the best way possible!
First Friday, July 3rd, 2009
6:00pm - 11:00pm
Neon Venus Art Theater
1404 S. 3rd Street
Las Vegas, NV

*Studio 8 Ten
"Face to Face(book)"
Group Art Show at Studio8Ten
Opens First Friday
July 3 - 31, 2009
Reception is Friday, July 17th, 2009
6 pm - 8 pm
Come enjoy the contemporary art of local artist and browse the non-profit gallery gift shop! It's fantastic.
Open Monday-Fri 10AM-6PM
First Friday 10AM-9PM.
Saturday 10AM-2PM.
810 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
(702) 644-9418
For more information contact:
Angela Esler-Whelan

*Jennifer Main Gallery
Featuring the fine art of Jennifer Main.
5333 S. Arville St., #206A
Las Vegas, NV

*The Vegas Artists Guild Spring 2009 Art Show.
This will take place at the CSN Artspace Gallery beginning May 1 through June 30, 2009. 30 works of art in different mediums will be shown representing the diverse talents of the members of the Vegas Artists Guild. The exhibit is free and open to the public. For more information visit or call 412-7103.
Lily Adamczyk-Lambert, Amber Albanese, Andre Beaudry, Stephen Boyle, Jon E. Campos, Sam Chinkes, Elaine Cory, James Donohue, Lori Ehlke, Drina Fried, Libby Garry, Jeff Hagen, Steve Jasper, Bonnie Kelso, Yoko Konopik, Ruth Lastuvka, Theresa Lucero, Jana Lynch, Melanie Moore, Charles Mull, Kristina Mull, Dolores Nast, Mary Palmer, Gina Quaranto, Steamy Raimon, Roberto Rico, Steve Russell, Felice Sacks, Esther Surany, Jenny Valdez, Sharron Westeren, Karen Wheeler, Annie Wilbur

*Contemporary Arts Center
metasonic / off the grid
June 4th - July 30th
Curator: Dave Sanchez
Artists: Dave Sanchez Burr, Richard Vosseller, Craig Colorusso.
A visual and sound representation within the CAC gallery (metasonic) as well as outdoors at the Goldwell Museum in Rhyolite, NV (off the grid), releasing the binding of sound to time and thus allowing us to experience the force of sound through the abstract. Installations are powered by solar energy.
Gallery hours:
Tue through Sat: 12 PM – 5PM and by appointment
First Friday:6 PM – 10 PM
107 E. Charleston Suite 120
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 382-3886

*Left of Center presents:
2207 W. Gowan Rd.
N. Las Vegas, NV 89032

*City Hall Bridge Gallery
There is a wonderful art exhibit up at the City Hall Bridge Gallery. The show is the National Invitational Postcard Exhibit and it will be up until July 2. Here is a link to see all the postcards off of the city Cultural Affairs website. If you get a chance to go see the exhibit, it is a really great one…very civic and national in its focus.
City Hall Bridge Gallery
Las Vegas City Hall
400 Stewart Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89101

*Charleston Heights Art Center
“Celebrating Life!”
Las Vegas Senior Artists’ Talents To Be Recognized
In celebration of Senior Month, the city of Las Vegas Arts Commission is sponsoring the annual fine arts competition, “Celebrating Life!” to recognize the talents of Las Vegas artists age 50 and better. This is the ninth year for this popular art competition for seniors.
~Award winning pieces from this year’s exhibit will be displayed in the City Hall Bridge Gallery from July 10 through Sept. 18, 2009. This program is presented in collaboration with the City of Las Vegas Office of Cultural Affairs and Department of Leisure Services Senior Citizens Programs Division.
Gallery Open Tuesday through Friday,
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays.
This exhibit is FREE and open to the public.
Charleston Heights Art Center
800 S. Brush St.
Las Vegas, NV
(702) 229-1012

*Souther Nevada Center for the Arts
(Located at the all new Neonopolis)
450 Fremont Street
Las Vegas, NV
Facebook Profile

8453 W. Lake Mead Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
(702) 586-1392

*Habitat Design Studios
The fine art of Leslie Rowland
Las Vegas, NV
Facebook Profile

*Bonnie Kelso
I exhibit frequently around the valley, so check out my current events page to see where I'm showing right now.
~"Seeking creative expression and inspiration through exploration and observations of nature, fills my life with balance and harmony."
~July Exhibition
"Face to Face(book)"
Group Art Show at Studio8Ten
July 3 - 31, 2009
Reception is Friday, July 17th, 2009
6 pm - 8 pm
810 S. Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 644-9418
Video on Facebook

*D'Arte Designs, LLC
Denise R. Duarte’s current work focuses on the relief in architectural ceramics and sculptured tile applications. She is currently applying her effort on public and private art installations.
Mailing Address: P.O Box 33051
Las Vegas, NV 89133
Facebook Profile

*Montana Black, Artist, invites you to "Angels Unveiled"
"Exploring - Remembering our Divinity"
Exhibition runs through Sunday, June 28 at 5:00pm
West Las Vegas Library
951 West Lake Mead Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV
~To see more details follow the link below:
Invitation Facebook

*Contemporary Fine Art of Lincoln Maynard
L Maynard Studios presents the contemporary fine art of Lincoln Maynard. Lincoln has spent most of his life amidst the neon of the Las Vegas Valley and the western deserts.
This environment has molded a perspective that pulls the scale and spectrum of his surroundings into his current contemporary series of acrylic and mixed media abstracts. Architectural in scope, his work has evolved through ongoing explorations with various mediums and ecologically conscious methods. Hence, creating a diverse catalog of works collected world wide in both private and corporate collections.
Lincolns work is currently on exhibition at:
~Gainsberg Studios
1039 South Main Street, Ste. 130
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
~July Exhibition
"Face to Face(book)"
Group Art Show at Studio8Ten
July 3 - 31, 2009
Reception is Friday, July 17th, 2009
6 pm - 8 pm
810 S. Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 644-9418
~See more on Lincoln's recent series of paintings on Facebook that are environmental designs titled “Rhythms of the Earth” .
Other works include textural studies in line, form, and light.
~Lincoln is currently seeking art exhibition opportunities, additional gallery representation, and art agent representation.
702-914-9111 Studio

*Ed Ashman, MD
Fine Abstract Art by Ed Ashman
Ed Ashman, MD is an artist based out of Las Vegas, NV. He studied art at Cornell University while pursuing his premedical studies. Due to his training in orthopedic surgery, his knowledge
of anatomy and kinesiology is unmatched in the art world. His expertise is revealed in his figurative works, and his studies of bodies in motion.
Profile Facebook

*"Mastrioni's Cafe"
This venue features the fine art of Laura Zollar and fine art paintings of a variety of local artists. For more information contact Laura Zollar at:
Profil Facebook

*Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery @ UNLV
The Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery, University of Nevada Las Vegas hosts an outstanding and diverse schedule of changing exhibitions throughout the year. Whether one-person shows, group shows, theme shows or competitions, the exhibits feature work by regionally and nationally recognized contemporary artists as well as UNLV faculty, and students.
Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM, Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM and by special arrangement for groups. The gallery is closed Sundays and holidays.
Open 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri
10:00am-2:00pm Saturday
4505 South Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, NV 89154
If you have questions or would like to be placed on the mailing list, please call the gallery at 702-895-3893 or send an e-mail to:

*Plaza Gallery
223 S. Water St.
Henderson, Nevada 89015
Monday to Thursday & Saturday
11:30AM to 3:00PM
Plaza Gallery is located in downtown Henderson’s Water Street District — the historic heart of Henderson, Nevada. We are directly across Water Street from the Henderson City Hall, Events Plaza, Amphitheater and Convention Center. You are welcome to visit the gallery during any major scheduled Water Street Event, or between 11:30am and 3pm Monday through Thursday and Saturday’s. Call ahead (702-845-7420) during holiday weekends to make sure we are open. Stop in and visit Gary & Susan Reese.

*White Square Gallery Berlin - Las Vegas
Boca Park 740 South Rampart Blvd, Ste 4
Las Vegas, NV 89134
For more info contact Natasha Young

*The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art showcases magnificent works of art within a AAA Five Diamond Award resort setting. Inside you can expect to view the finest examples of painting, sculpture and other impressive work by some of the world’s most influential and renowned artists.
Organized in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego.
January 23, 2009 – September 7, 2009
Tickets available by calling 877.957.9777 or 702.693.7871 or buy tickets online.
General Admission: $15
Discounts available for Nevada Residents, Seniors, Students, Teachers & Military. Children ages 12 and under are FREE
Annual memberships available
Gallery and Gallery Store Hours:
Sunday - Thursday:
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday:
10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Includes holidays
Opening times may be subject to change due to private functions. We strongly recommend that you phone ahead to ensure available viewing times.
810 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
(702) 644-9418 Gallery

*Oh My Godard Gallery
Showcasing the fine art of Michael Godard and other popular artists.
3667 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Located in the Miracle Mile at Planet Hollywood.

*The Springs Preserve
The Springs Preserve is a 180-acre non-gaming cultural and historical attraction designed to commemorate Las Vegas' dynamic history and to provide a vision for a sustainable future. Known as the birthplace of Las Vegas, the site of the Preserve was once home to bubbling springs that were a source of water for Native Americans living here thousands of years ago. It also sustained travelers of the Old Spanish Trail and Mormons who came to settle the West. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1978, the Preserve is located approximately three miles west of downtown Las Vegas. The site represents one of the richest and most unique cultural and biological resources in Southern Nevada. Check our website for ongoing Art Exhibitions.
Physical Address:
333 S. Valley View Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada (between US 95 and Alta Drive)
Phone: (702) 822-7700
Fax: (702) 822-8453
Mailing Address:
The Springs Preserve
P.O. Box 98947
Las Vegas, NV 89193

*City of Henderson Department of Cultural Arts and Tourism Presents:
Disney's High School Musical
Summer Celebration!
~Two Shows Only!
Ticket prices start at $26
Buy Your Tickets Now!
Two shows only!
Friday, August 14 at 8 p.m. &
Saturday, August 15 at 8 p.m. _
Henderson Pavilion
200 South Green Valley Parkway
Let’s go Wildcats! It’s time for Disney’s High School Musical: Summer Celebration! featuring favorite songs from all three hit High School Musical movies, including “We’re All In This Together,” “Fabulous,” and “Now or Never.” Kids will sing and dance along to more than 15 chart-topping songs with a cast of performers as your favorite East High characters! This non-stop celebration will have you rocking the house with Wildcat spirit!
For ticket information call 702-267-4849.For information on upcoming Cultural Arts & Tourism events, please call 702-267-2171. Thank you!
City of Henderson Department of
Cultural Arts and Tourism
200 Water Street P.O. Box 95050
Henderson, Nevada 89009